The school is located at Mission Road, Kurkuri, Phulwarisharif. It is 1 km from Phulwarisharif Police Station.

English is the language of instruction at large. Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu & German are also taught as additional languages.

The average strength is 40 students per class. The student teacher ratio is 1:40.

The school offers a wide range of activities including painting, crafts, quizzes, sports like Cricket, Basketball, Table Tennis, Volley Ball, Chess, Carrom etc.

Other Co-curricular activities include Gymnastics, Theatre, Yoga, Aerobics, Martial Arts etc.

The school year begins in April and ends in the mid of March .

The school day begins at 7:00 am to 1:10 pm in summers. The winter timings are 8:00 am to 2:10 pm.

We have regular Parent Teacher Meetings called OPEN HOUSE where we encourage maximum participation of the parents. In addition to this,parents may feel free to contact the school or teachers whenever they need.

The school offers safe and comfortable transport for all the children in our new Marcopolo buses guaranteeing seat to every child.

At STIS every child is special. STIS endeavours to produce its students as rational human beings who will in future contribute towards the betterment of the society. We prepare them to broaden their horizons, developing their ability to question, analyse and debate realizing when to fight back and when to exercise restraint.The various activity and sports club add uniqueness to the school.

S.T. International School